Ho Metropolis reconstitutes APRM District Oversight Committee

Ho Metropolis reconstitutes APRM District Oversight Committee

The District Oversight Committee (DoC) of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) is a monitoring and evaluation team overseeing the implementation of the APRM national program of action at the local level.

During the week, the NCCE Ho Metro Office, which serves as the Secretariat to the APRM – District Oversight Committee, reconstituted the District Oversight Committee. During the launch, Rev. Vincent Adzika, the Metro Director, stated that democratic practices in Africa are facing several significant challenges that negatively impact governance, stability, and development.

Rev. Adzika added that the objectives of the APRM are to promote political stability, accelerated sub-regional and continental economic integration, economic growth, and sustainable development. But the current challenges of military coups and unconstitutional power grabs, electoral fraud and irregularities, weak institutions and rule of law, political violence and instability, corruption and lack of accountability, low voter participation and civic education deficit, and external influence and geopolitical interference are eroding the gains of the APRM.

Mr Alex Akpo reminded the committee that the performance and progress of member countries of the APRM are measured in four thematic areas, which are democracy and political governance, economic governance and management, corporate governance, and socio-economic development.

The nine (9) member District Oversight Committee members are Mrs Thywill Eyra Kpe as Chairperson, Mr. Yao Semorde as Vice Chairman, Mr. Jones Amegashie-Viglo as Secretary, Mr. Evans Attah Akangla as Organiser, and other members Mrs Mr. Alex Korsi Akpo, Mr. Michal Tormeti, Madelia Nutsugah, Jessica Timbilla, Mama Awude II, and Rev. Vincent Adzika, an Ex-officio member.

The African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) was established in 2003 by the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Heads of State and Government Implementation Committee (HSGIC) as an instrument for AU Member States to voluntarily self-monitor their governance performance.


Writer: Evans Attah Akangla


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